Friday, September 13, 2019

Research of Pthisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Research of Pthisis - Essay Example Laennec argued on both clinical and post-mortem grounds that pathognomonic was the hallmark of phthisis. Through the knowledge he had on the cause and location of the disease he identified different diagnoses like scrofula and tuberculosis meningitis. A challenge that was common among the French physicians was the identification of the disease. There are different types of diseases that existed in their vocabulary thus; it was hard to know a disease. They relied mostly on correlations between clinical signs and pathological changes to differentiate diseases and with future developments; criteria of identifying a disease have been developed (McNeill, pp. 22). This saw the improvement of the diagnosis to patients as it was easy to identify the disease a patient was suffering from. Something that troubled the physicians was fever and this was solved in 19th century when they came to identify fever as a sign of a disease. Phthisis in Early Civilization A discovery of human remains in 200 8 showed that tuberculosis existed 9000 years ago in a settlement in the eastern Mediterranean during the Neolithic era (McNeill, pp. 24). This is the oldest ever reported evidence of TB infection in human beings and it was confirmed by morphological and molecular methods. Some authors have identified tuberculosis to be the first disease to be known to humankind. More evidence on tuberculosis during the Neolithic era was also discovered in a cemetery in close proximity to Heidelberg. Signs of the disease have also been discovered among Egyptian mummies in the period between 3000 and 2400 BCE. This shows that the disease has been in existence for many centuries and this is why extensive research has been done on the same. In 1881 Grebart discovered a... Since the discovery of tuberculosis as a killer disease, extensive research has been done on the same. The research has continued to advance with more discoveries that are helping to mitigate the disease. Through research of tuberculosis, physicians have also been able to research on other diseases. There are other diseases that are closely related to TB like typhoid and medical researchers have been able to differentiate TB from other diseases. All the signs of the disease at the fingertips of physicians and this have helped to mitigate the cases of wrong treatment. Through research on tuberculosis, physicians were able to discover that fever is a sign of a disease and not a disease by itself. This discovery better research and from there physicians were able to discover other diseases like yellow fever. The discovery of the vaccine on the 20th century was of great importance. BCG has played a vital role in curbing TB and more so in third world and densely populated countries. Despi te the efforts that are been made through international organizations, TB has remained to be a threat of human life and currently India marks the highest deaths from TB per annum.

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